Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tuna's first visit!

On december 1st, my sister, her inlaws and my brand new niece came for a visit in Sturgeon Falls, where I live.
Since I live 3hrs away, I don't get to see her often, so I was very happy when they came.
We went for sushi, Tuna's first sushi experience lol
*btw Tuna is my niece's nickname

Then we went about in the village, mostly shopping at the only 2 shopping places we have : The bargain shop and Giant Tiger.

We finished the evening watching some Kanjani8 video and the 1st episode of Ikemen Desu ne (my sister hasn't seen it).

The sleep over to say ....difficult!
Tuna didn't want to sleep at all. She either too hot or too hungry.
she cried every half hour to be fed.
Not the best night!
We probably slept a whole 4 hrs.
We even went for a car ride at 1am to see if she would fall asleep...which she did, until we pulled back in my parking spot, then she woke up!
the next day, we went to North Bay Mall to do some Christmas shopping.
Then we said our goodbye since they had to hit the road back to Barrie.

It was a short visit, but it was good (minus the sleepless night....i love my sleep too much to have a kid now, i think).

She is getting so big fast! Next time i see her, might be for Christmas if the weather allows it!
She will be 2 months old by then!

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