Monday, January 3, 2011

2nd Semester!

Tomorrow will be the start to my second semester into my program.
Above you can see the marks I got for the first semester...not bad eh?
I have to admit that I am very proud of myself, then again, there is nothing else to do in Residence but to study (or party..but I don't party).
I'm actually very surprised by my 90% mark....I was very stressing out about the final exam in that class, mainly because I had realized (once i have turned my exam in) that I had made a  huge mistake in the question that was worth the most point. I guess I must have done well on the rest of the exam and throughout the year.
The last 3 classes on that list, were more like general classes, so I admit I didn't really focus all that much on them, but I didn't do too bad either.
I'm not surprised with my biology mark, the exam was extremly difficult. It was all multiple choices but 80% of the exam's questions were about things we hadn't learned (or told by the teacher to "not worry it wont be on the final exam") So i was expecting a lower mark.

Tomorrow is a half day.
We will all be meeting in our "homeroom" classes for registrations and to have a little talk about what's ahead of us.
Then Wednesday is the first day of class.

here's my schedule:

monday: 8:30am to 11:30 -Physiopatholigy \\ 11:30 to 1:30pm - Embalming Theory 2 // 1:30 to 4:30pm- Musics from the 1940's to present \\ 6pm to 8pm - Microbiology
Tuesday: 8:30am to 11:30am - Intro to Business \\ 11:30 to 1:30pm - Embalming theory2
Wednesday: 8:30am to 11:30am - English \\ 11:30am to 1:30pm - Orientation to Funeral Services 2
Thursday: 8:30 to 11:30 : The Art of Restauration
Friday- 8:30am to 11:30 - Orientation to Funeral Services 2 \\ 11:30 to 1:30pm: Psychology for Mourning

So i start my days at 8:30am and usually finish at 1:30pm. The reason for that, is we are "on call"  for practical embalmings (labs). The class is divided into 4 groups, so each day, a different group is on call to go in a funeral home and do an embalming.
Monday is my biggest day!!!
We have to pick an extra class of choice (the choices were : Sexuality, Being Franco-Ontarien or Music through the ages) I picked the music class since I have somewhat a background in music (Musical performing, which was a big part of the 1940-1950's) and I also thought that i needed a fun class for my Monday and the 2 other classes offered weren't gonna cut it lol.

I guess i\ll be making *Bento boxes on sunday night!!!!

I'm looking forward to the Art of Restauration class! That's where we will learn to apply make-up, do hair and to restaure any facial structures. Sooooo looking forward to that!! you know me and arts = <3

I'm looking forward to this semester. Only 4 months left of school work and then I can go back home and start my 1 year intership. **Ganbarimasu!!!

Side note: During the holiday, I received a letter from the Dean of Health and Science department, congradulating me on my high marks. It was a letter of "High recognitions for being in the top of my program"...i'm such a keener! ahaha

*Bento : Japanese lunch boxes
**Ganbarimasu : I'll do my best // I'll work hard  in Japanese.


Hélène said...

Bravo Marie !!! Bonne deuxième session xxxx

C. Cua said...

Tu es rendu une vraie petite nerd!!! Benvenue dans la famille!!!